Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top 11 Photos from 2011

This was an amazing year for my photography growth. I learned so much and know my technique, eye, composition and confidence have improved immensely. I owe it all to my 365 (compelling me to pick up my camera every day) and the many teachers along the way.

Here are my picks for the Top 11 photos of my girls from 2011! It was tremendously hard to narrow it down to only 11 so I actually picked 12.

I know...this is number 12. I had to include it!

Click It Up A Notch


  1. Absolutely beautiful photos! Glad you included number 12. It gave me a chuckle!

  2. Such awesome shots!! Love them all. Thanks for linking up with us.

  3. Gorgeous shots, love the first one, the B&W with the hat, the steam, and the silhouette, but all so wonderful! Your family is gorgeous!

  4. #12 may be my favorite, but mainly for the moment that was captured. It speaks a lot about life with little ones around. Sometimes they are all cheers and other times they are sneers.

    I love the family fun at the water. You captured some gorgeous shots of your family doing life and that is what it is all about.

  5. These are wonderful! I love all the fun ways you captured your girls! I'm so excited to have 3 girls of my own :O) You know 1, 5, and 6 are truly some of my favorites! Seriously, number 5 with the steam is something I can only dream about capturing :O) Thanks for linking up so we can see these beautiful images again!

  6. oh my gosh there is just so many good ones here! i mean, your youngest daughter's stance in the first one is so hilarious and perfect.

    and oh, the black and white one with the steam coming off the soup - i mean, you know that's amazing right??

    and the last one, with everyone smiling except the youngest - so sweet!!

  7. These just warm my heart- great job getting some stunning shots this year.
