Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April Favorite

This month was not my most inspired. Not only were we busy with Easter and Spring Break, but also I got the stomach flu that knocked me out for several days. The photo I'm picking for my favorite is imperfectly perfect. I took my daughter to the beach to play; she played in the sand and I played with my camera. For some pictures she was willing, for others she was not. This photo captured her unwillingness. It was shadowy and a bit grainy so I processed it with clickin mom's film preset Nickel. While I loved the color version because of the beautiful beach colors, I prefer the black and white because it focuses on her face and her crazy striped outfit. The whole photo seems timeless to me. It almost could have been a photo taken in my grandparents' time.

Click It Up A Notch


  1. Oh you're right, it could have been a picture from our grandparents time. It's really classic and I feel I could dream myself far away :-) Even a messed up SOOC photo can be beautiful with some magic in LR. :-)

  2. I love all the gorgeous negative space that really makes this photo stunning.

  3. I like it. So often children show this side of themselves during a shoot… well done for embracing it. A captured memory. Lovely!!!

  4. I love that you didn't delete it because it's not a picture perfect smile! These photos and memories are so important to remember! I love her expression and the black and white is a nice touch! Sorry you were uninspired and then sick :O( Bummer! Hope you are feeling better!
